Tuesday 13 March 2012

We Kept Price Increases at Bay for as Long as Possible.

Unfortunately and reluctantly, we have had to increase the prices of our selection of delectable fudges. To keep the quality of our fudge the same, we have had to pay more over the past few months for the ingredients as well as battle with rising electricity and transport costs.

Our Traditional Butter Fudge now comes in at R6.00 per piece as does our Brown Sugar Fudge; Cranberry Fudge; Coconut Ice and Chocolate Fudge Brownies.Packets of 6 sell at a discounted rate of R30.00 per packet.

The individual pieces of fudge with chocolate layers are R7.00 each and are packed 5 in a packet for R30.00. Currently flavours in this range are our popular Choc Cocoa Fudge and our new Cherry Fudge with a chocolate Kirsch topping!

Our top of the range triple decker Wellington Square (see photo in our 9 February photo below) with layers of chocolate, fudge and shortbread cost R8.00 a piece and a packet with 4 pieces is R30.

From time to time, we make available some of our American style chocolate fudge Prices for these round fudges come in at R8 per piece or R7 per piece for 3 or more.

Our ever popular choc fudge, bite-sized nuggets (see photo in our 13 August 2011 entry) are availabe at R10 per packet.

To taste our range and to get hold of some of our decadent fudge, we invite you to visit us at Porter Market in Tokai on Saturday mornings or the new Baxter Food & Produce Market in Rondebosch on Sundays. We also deliver free of delivery costs to much of the Southern Suburbs (see details and conditions under 9 February, but please note that the prices are now in line with the new rates).

A price list can be emailed on request.

Thanks for your support. We look forward to producing the same top quality fudges for you in the near future!

Sunday 11 March 2012

Baxter Market vs Cycle Tour

Today was to have been the second time this year for the new Baxter Food & Goods Market. However today was also the huge Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour around the Cape Peninsula. This is reportedly the largest timed cycle event in the world and many of the major roads in and around Cape Town are closed for parts of the day. As a result, many Capetonians and visitors who don't have to travel, stay at home.

On the strength of this, we were informed that the Baxter Market would not open today, but all being well, we hope to be there come Sunday18 March. So look for us in the Baxter Theatre gardens from 10.30am. The best fudge will be in Rondebsoch. Good luck if you are cycling today, especially if you don't have some of our fudge for instant energy!

Friday 2 March 2012

Fudge now at new Baxter Food & Goods Market in Rondebosch

The new Baxter Food & Goods Market opens its doors on Sunday 4 March 2012 and Fudge Glorious Fudge will be there. We will be offering our special range of traditional butter based fudges as well as some of our American style chocolate fudge. Chocolate Fudge Brownies, our newest mouth-watering product will also be on sale for the first time. So don't forget to ask for a taste of this new delectable treat.

The easiest way to find the market is to look for the Baxter sign on the Main Road, Rondebosch [photo below]. Then follow the line of stalls up through the Baxter Garden until you find our stand to the right, under the shade of a giant fig tree. The market, with an expected collection of about 60 stalls, will be tempting you with range of home-made foods and goods. Its open from 10.30am until 5.00pm. See you there!

The Baxter Market is very close to thos sign on the Main Road, Rondebosch

Under the trees is where we will be, come Sunday morning.