Saturday 31 August 2013

Fudge for a Cape Town Winter

Yesterday snow fell on top of Table Mountain! We don't get snow every day on Table Mountain. We don't even get snow every year. Yesterday, there was that biting cold that seems to penetrate right through a pair of jeans. Just the weather for some thermal underwear ... and a piece of fudge. And as it turned out, just the right sort of weather for snow on Table Mountain.

There is something seemingly warming about fudge on a cold winter's day. We expect to hear about more snow today on the Western Cape mountains over the next few days. Unfortunately today, with hard intermittent rain showers, the outdoor Porter Market in Tokai was not the ideal place for shopping or having breakfast.

Setting up at The Palms on a winter's day. Dry inside; wet outside.
The Palms Market in Woodstock, on the other hand was a great out of the rain destination for tasting and buying a wide range of fresh and freshly made food. Our fudge found favour amongst shoppers this morning as they looked for ways to stave off the cold. So it was coffees and fudge, breakfast rolls and fudge, mushroom skewers and fudge. Well you get the picture.

Our Wellingtons Squares were especially popular today. Those are the triple layer of decadence - chocolate, fudge and shortbread biscuit. Choose between our "plain" Wellington Squares and the Espresso Wellington squares for that coffee buzz experience. Our Traditional Butter Fudge remained a firm favourite and Ginger Fudge was popular with those wanting a fudge with that warming ginger experience.

Its been a wet Cape Town winter this year, especially this month of August. So, here's hoping for a true start to spring in September, with warm sunny Saturdays. Porter Estate Market in Tokai lends itself especially to those warmer days.... days to embrace the sun, admire the natural setting beneath the slopes of the Constantiaberg and of course days to buy some fudge.
A selection of our fudge packets, with the Wellingtons on the right