Thursday 31 October 2013

Why many Fudge Connoisseurs Claim our Fudge to be the Best Fudge in Cape Town

We thank the many fudge connoisseurs who comment so favourably to us about our fudge.They nearly all mention how smooth our fudge is. They talk to us about the golden brown colour of our more traditional fudges and the amazing flavours of our more different fudges. The ginger, the honey, the cranberry and vanilla fudges all get their favourable comments. "Where is your coconut fudge today" is a question we were asked last week. Alas, we had already sold out by the time the customer had got to Porter Market.

Golden-brown, super-smooth traditional butter fudge
The Wellington Squares are sometimes confused with the very similar "millionaire's shortbread". Millionaire's shortbread usually has a caramel filling, whilst our Wellington Squares have our traditional butter fudge sandwiched between chocolate and shortbread biscuit. A lady from England thought our Wellington Squares had caramel in the middle, but when she heard it had our smooth, creamy butter fudge instead, she bought a packet without hesitation.

"Three packets of your ginger fudge please" was another recent request. Unfortunately we had again sold out. "Get more stocks then" was a comment made by a customer keen on a certain flavour, that we did not have.

We do not like to keep large stocks though as we want to sell fudge that is as fresh as possible. Our more traditional fudges keep for more than a month and our chocolate and biscuit fudges for about 3 weeks, but even so, we turn out fresh batches weekly.

You can get some fudges in the shops which will keep for 3 months or longer, but they are pumped full of preservatives. Our fudges have no additives. We like like to make them as natural as possible for you. And that is another reason that our customers appreciate our superior fudges and we thank our regular connoisseurs for their continual support.