Thursday 23 January 2014

Not the Cheapest Fudge in Cape Town

If you shop around, we are sure that you will find cheaper fudge at some markets and shops in Cape Town. We at Fudge Glorious Fudge, don't make cheap, we don't sell cheap, we don't even like the word cheap. Cheap leaves a nasty taste in our mouths, just as cheap fudge might do in yours. So enough about cheap.

Wellington Squares - with coffee or without?
 Our fudge is more expensive because we use top ingredients and we don't take any shortcuts when we make our butter fudge. There lies the first clue. All our fudge has butter as an important ingredient. Some cheap fudge is made with margarine and then instead of stirring slowly and lovingly on the stove top, some fudge is bunged into a microwave and a few moments later, hey presto, you have grainy, sugary fudge. The sugar hasn't even had time to dissolve properly and the fudge is often a light brown or yellowish colour as the sugar hasn't had time or the right method to caramelise.

We are proud of the fact that our fudge has a relatively short shelf life (see the expiry date on the bottom of our packets). Some fudges are pumped full of preservatives, artificial colourants and flavourants with scary sounding names and formulas. We add nothing like that. Sure, our vanilla fudge has vanilla added, but it is genuine vanilla extract rather than artificial vanilla essence.

A few of the added products such as the marshmallows in marshmallow chocolate fudge, gets blended with our fudge and comes along with whatever has been used in the manufacturing process of that product, but we ourselves do not add artificial additives.

So for a superior fudge, we charge a little bit more. We are sure that you will appreciate it.